ICE was set up January 2023 by two working mums with experience in multiple sectors. An organisation born from a shared passion for building community bonds and supporting small businesses to find their success. By working to bring people together and facilitate networking amongst businesses and the local community the intention is of laying foundations for a stronger community for the next generation.


Shereen is a Finance director by profession, a founder of 2 other companies in medical and technology sectors and a mum of 3 children. She has a Masters degree in Medical Microbiology and worked in research prior to her career change.


Zeinab, A part time community pharmacist, is a mother of four young children. She has worked in events previously; organising conferences, trips abroad as well as activity weekends here in the UK. In addition, she manages a number of social media pages and has embarked on a digital marketing course to complement this. 

Our Vision

Our vision for Inspiring Community Events (ICE) is in the name. It has always been primarily about community. We want to bring community together while creating a platform for small local businesses to showcase themselves.

Our Mission

At ICE, our mission is to bring communities together and empower small businesses through the organization of impactful community events. We believe that by fostering strong connections and providing opportunities for collaboration, we can create a thriving ecosystem where individuals and businesses can thrive.

We are dedicated to curating events that celebrate the unique culture, talents, and diversity of our community. Through our carefully designed programs, we aim to foster a sense of belonging, encourage meaningful interactions, and inspire positive change. By organising engaging activities, workshops, and networking opportunities, we seek to bridge gaps and create a supportive environment that encourages the growth and success of small businesses.

Our commitment extends beyond event organisation. We strive to be catalysts for change, to address community needs and advocate for the interests of small businesses. By collaborating with like-minded partners, we aim to amplify our impact and drive sustainable economic growth.

Through our unwavering dedication to community unity and the empowerment of small businesses, we aspire to create lasting legacies and enrich the lives of individuals. We believe that by working together, we can build a vibrant and prosperous community that uplifts and inspires all its members.

Join us as we pave the way for community transformation, one event at a time.